Christmas is the most amazing time of year.
Despite the cold weather, i truly enjoy Christmas and everything is has to offer. I couldn't wait to put up all my X-Mas decor, i have so much stuff I love to show off. i also put up a tree at my mother-in-law's place. My new place is really coming together. I can't wait until it is all ready and set. So far I have my trees up, see below =)
As I am putting up my tree, decorating my fireplace mantle, putting lights around the door and window trim, hanging snowflakes in the windows, and covering every table with knick knacks--- I warm up hot chocolate with extra marshmallows while listening to the X-Mas station, 93.9 The Lite, which plays nothing but X-Mas music all day and night long. I start a fire in my fire place, and the sheer warmth and smells flowing throughout my home just brings such bliss. It really puts me in a loving and giving mood.
Shortly after I finish with all my decor on the inside, I head outside, and put up Christmas lights anywhere I can. On Christmas, i go as far as putting reindeer tracks in the snow so i can REALLY fool all the kiddies!! I also decorate my stair railings with garters, lights, tinsel, and anything my landlord allows! Then of course the sexy lingerie ;-)
so now, about this blog .. I wanted to write about things i love about this season and am curious to know what my readers' favorites are as well. i don't know any one who doesn't enjoy this season. and if they are, well BAH HUMBAG to you too, cus you're nothing but a GRINCH. ;D
Chrismas Season Must Do's!
downtown chicago is definitely the place to be! sure, it's cold && snowy, but that is part of the appeal.. especially for visitors from parts of the world who do not experience seasons in the way we do here.. there are even people within the US that do not.. Chicago has it's own weather control that's for sure. with a mix of dark nights .. bright lights.. and the HUGE christmas tree Chicago puts up every year are some of the few things that make downtown such a great place to be.
my #1 favorite thing to do is ice skating. there are some people who just have to get their fitness/sports fix, and ice skating is the best sport to find it. It is a classic chicago winter activity. The famous Grant Park is its backdrop.. so while your skating thereis nothing but beautiful scenary all around. it's also free to the public but i think you have to pay to rent the skates which shouldnt be more than $10 bucks.
food :: of course chicago is known for its amazing melting pot of different cuisines. but i personally go for the bakeries along michigan and congress because my sweet tooth is huuuuuuuuge and always aching for more. not only that but i am a fabulous baker myself && am always looking for new recipes or ideas to try out myself. the cookies pictured below i baked with my mom - these cookies came out very good but only problem was we did such a good job on them i didnt want to eat them up!! i just wanted them to sit there and be complimented by everyone who came over .. haha ;D
chicago's broadway scene. when i went to school in chicago, my ballet team always made it a point to bring us to the theater to see the Nutcracker and a handful of other plays. i really think the winter season is not complete without seeing at least one play. there is an annual Christmas Spectacular, which is my personal favorite because its over 100 performers at least! and just a huge combination of music and dance. my fiance's family and i really enjoy Chicago's broadway scene.
parades. the magnificent mile lights parade is before thanksgiving and known for its HUGE blimps illuminating over thousands of lights on Michigan avenue. this is pretty much the most famous parade, but there is also a toys for tots one that i go to every year. check out the picture to the right --- >>
Elmo!--whose the infamous MC of the parade is usually first and leads the illumination of more lights than any one can count on the The Magnificent Mile district on michigan ave.. i forget what street its from but i know it starts at wacker drive and i would assume goes all the way to clark or oak st. there is an insane fireworks show over the river at the end which brings just an amazing event to an even more amazing end.
brookfield and Lincoln park zoo: lincoln park zoo is more common to go to because its in downtown chicago and its also free to get into. it also hosts the "zoo lights" which is really popular to attend throughout the holiday season. they have santa claus there to visit each child, super amazing ice-carving demonstrations, all the while enjoying a musical light show. while brookfield zoo is a more nicer zoo, but cost money to get into, besides on christmas day they are free to enter and is a holiday tradition with my boyfriend and I to attend every year because it holds a very special moment in both of our hearts-- brookfield hosts the holiday magic event that is pretty much both a laser and light show along with ice carving demonstrations as well and live music and magician performances. i like this one a little better than the Zoo Lights at Lincoln park zoo, but again its what you pay for. brookfield zoo also hosts a "breakfast with santa" pretty much every weekend throughout december i think. i went to it once but it was the weekend before christmas so don't hold me to it, but im pretty sure its every weekend.
christmas tree at the museum o science and industry! ;D |
every museum is great in its own way. my favorites are the museum of science and industry and the field museum because they are most informational along with them both having things that relate more to my interests but the Shedd Aquarium and the Adler planetarium are also very cool to walk through, as they have great visual displys. i also really enjoy the chicago children's museum..they really go all out for the children!! i remeber going iinside a firehouse, walking through the sahara desert, and a whole bunch of other control centers. it really shows you a lot, all pertaining to fun and education of course.
now alongside the children's museum is the Navy Pier's LEGOLAND!! Lol.. it's seriously like entering the world’s biggest box of Legos. there is a HUGE medieval Lego castle-- includes dragons!! There is also pretty much every major landmark throughout Chicago is remade in legos like the water tower, Sears' tower, etc. && last but not least, you have the opportunity to build your own lego creation! of course i always took full advantage =) i wish i still had my pictures. i put them in one of my scrapbooks that one of my friend's accidentally throughout when she lived with me =(
Now to end this super long, what felt like endless, blog i just wanted to say chicago is a very great city. it has a lot to offer, and is magnificently beautiful from an architextural aspect especially. i know there are many, MANY areas that are very bad and crime ridden but for every bad neighborhood there is a good neighborhod, and as with any city--there is always going to be a Skidd Row. Just how this human race is unfortunately. so if you've never been to these places, please try to get to them this winter. they are very inexpensive, if not free, and really there is not excuse not to make it to them if you really want to.
Chicago is also known for it's insane weather. upon attending any of these events, please make sure you dress apropriately!! i myself just bought these super cute zebra glittens because every morning when i leave for work at 6am, my car is frozen inside so my boyfriend started to run out 20mins before i leave so it can warm up but what doesn't seem to get warm quick enough is my steering wheel!! so i put on my xmas list i want a warm and fuzzy steering wheel cover, but until i get that i will just drive sporting my uber cute glittens :
i know, i am obsessed with zebra print! =) i like the glittens because i can always free my fingers if i need to do something like put on make up or tie something or text quickly, etc. Anyway, try to stay warm this holiday season, but also try to really make your life feel like a winter wonderland.
thanks for reading =]