Summer is over!
I am actually really sad; but I have so many things coming up the next few months so those events alone are keeping my spirits up! This is the season
us ladies tend to hit the tanning beds most frequent to maintain a glow during this awfully cold season.. unless of course you are one of the lucky ducks that live in warm weather all year round! (So jealous!) Tanning Beds have got a lot of flack over the
years, and for good reason! We all are aware of the dangers of UV rays
& skin cancer & blah blah blah.. So we'll just skip all that
lecturing stuff and jump right into what this post is really about. So,
if you are looking for an alternative solution to the tanning bed, look
no further. This is a rather long post so you might as well get a snack
and a six pack, and enjoy!
Million Dollar Tan- Tan Icon Extreme
Rating: 9.0
If you're in with the beauty blogging world, you are probably
aware this is the MOST endorsed self tanning product among the best gurus. I love this product for the tan guard, its spray
formula, ease of use, and flawless finish. The brush allows better &
more controlled blending than a glove (especially around the hands,
elbows, and knees). With that said, for it being an "Extreme" tan

really not that extreme... well until you shower... and then
watch your tan swirling down the drain. What you are left with is still
tan, just not extreme (on me at least. Keep your own skin tone in mind
when comparing.... if you are really pale you might be blown away haha).
Unless there is some secret to locking it in, that's why I knocked off
some points. Otherwise, I do really love everything else about this
Million Dollar Tan- Cabana Tan Face
Rating: 10.0
When it comes to self tanners, I strongly believe for the best, streak
less results, a tan guard is a MUST. This product is the exception.. and
maybe it is because you can see the entire surface of your face versus
the rest of your body so you can blend it better? Whatever it is, this
tans my face so amazingly natural and flawless... not to mention the
smell will literally drag you away into paradise. I cannot find one bad
thing to say about this product, and in fact, I have become so obsessed
with it I have ZERO desire to try any other face tanners. This is the
STANDARD product for the face.. not the Extreme. I have medium skin
and it tans my face to perfection.
St. Tropez Bronzing Mousse
So when it comes to St. Tropez versus MDT, I gave this one half a point
more ONLY because of the color payoff. The color result you get (from
standard variation) is almost identical to the color result of MDT Tan
Icon Extreme. It is only slightly lighter.. slightly. I can't even
imagine the result from the Dark variation. As far as watching it go
down the drain after showering, this does the same thing... and also
kind of stinks after 8 hours. I always apply my tanners before bed so
it's not like I was running a marathon. The smell when I wake up kind of
bothers me, my boyfriend too - but there is nothing soap & water can't fix!
L'Oreal Sublime Deep Natural Tan
Rating: 8
Straight up, this is a true dark tan.. and almost instantly. It develops
quick. It is cheap, easy to obtain, and perfect if you're on a budget. A
little bit goes a long way too. The only thing that bothers me is the
shimmer that comes with it.. If I apply at night, a lot of the shimmer
seems to be gone by
morning (thank you sheets). This DOES rub off on clothes slightly too.
It claims it does not, but it does (Don't worry, it washes out). The
smell is also a little too "sunscreeny" for my liking, but hey that's just me. All & all this honestly is a great tanner for
the price and availability... plus it gets ya darker than both St.
Tropez & MDT.. but again, downfall is it comes off quicker so you need to apply 2-3 times a week.
Available at any drug store.
Sephora Tinted Body Mist
Ratimg 7.5
Comparing this among the others really is not fair. As it is a "tinted
mist" this is not typically meant for an all over color. I mean, I
guess you can use it for that, but I personally don't think you will be
impressed. I got it as a gift, and that is the only reason I am including this. I think it is the perfect product for touch ups or
when you are running out the door. We've all been there.. put a little
swanky top on to find your chest & arms are pasty as shit. That is
when this product comes into play. Just spray and blend into desired
areas and boom. Instant tan. Instant. (I apply 2 coats).
My favorite:
Fake Bake Flawless
best tan, the one I rated number one and also the best I have ever used
is FAKE BAKE FLAWLESS. It costs $20. This, to my surprise came not only
with a latex glove but also a velvety textured mitten which ensured a
more even and easy application. The absolute best and most positive
thing about this product is the fact that it does not smell! Well it
does, but it smells of soap or light perfume rather than chemical/product. My tanned skin after showering was amazing. I had finally
achieved the perfect golden glow! It wasn't a harsh dull brown, it was
golden. I also found that moisturizing every night means that this
process only has to be repeated once per week which is obviously a huge
bonus. This great fake tan has been awarded top marks by me and has
earned itself a permanent place in my bathroom. :)
Self Tanner Crash Course
Tan Guards: If you have ever used a self tanner, you know some come in white lotions or are transparent when applied. And then there are others that are just straight up brown-- that's the tan guard. It allows you to see exactly where you are applying (my preferred method) to prevent streaks or missed areas. I will absolutely not use anything else.
Safety: My best friend recently complained to me about how pale she was, but did not want to use the tanning bed anymore. I suggested a self tanner to her and she replied back that "self tanners are harmful to your skin.. blah blah blah," so here's the truth:
The main ingredient in self tanners is DHA, a property derived directly from the sugar cane plant. When applied, DHA reacts with dead skin cells and leaves a temporary color. DHA is 100% approved by the FDA, and there is no evidence to support it is harmful, even for you prego ladies! However, it can enhance the reaction of UV rays, so always wear sunscreen when being exposed to the sun for a long period of time... especially when using self tanners. The bottom line: DHA is not a harmful chemical, it's a complex form of sugar. Who doesn't like sugar?? ;-)
Fading: Additionally, you should know this up front: If you are looking for a self tanner that is not going to become "blotchy" or "patchy" after a few days, you're never going to find one. Ever. That's just an overall con about self tanners that is inevitable. You shed millions of skin cells daily so when your tanner starts becoming "blotchy", it's not the tanner itself, it's your dead skin cells wearing away. Your activeness will determine how quick, and where you will start to find patchy spots. Sweat can also knock some time off your self tanner. As you sweat, it brings the tanner to the surface. So if you work out every day as I do, it will fade sooner. With that said, although a tanner last X amount of days, I tend to apply more frequently to prevent patchiness before it occurs. Ex: Million Dollar Tan lasts 5-7 days so I apply every 4 days because I work out 2-3 days a week.
Exfoliating: Although DHA reacts with dead skin, you want your epidermis (outer layer) to be even and free of impurities. Exfoliating before any tanning in general is very important to ensure an even tan. Exfoliating prior will help make your tan last longer too.
Removal: If you have ever used a self tanner, you know trying to remove it is a pain in the butt, especially if you have neglected your tan and are starting to look like you have a skin disease from the splotchy areas. We've all been there, right?! Fortunately, I know of a few methods to help. The first I stumbled upon by complete accident when I was testing eye shadow swatches on my arm. I took a makeup remover wipe and started wiping the swatches off (not gentle, but not too forceful either, just enough pressure) and noticed my tanner began lifting off my skin as well. it made my exfoliating process so much easier and more effective. It's like it had already done half the work and lifted most of it to the surface. So ever since, I do a quick rub down with makeup remover wipes before the 2 methods below. The other is just to exfoliate and use a stronger soap.
additional tips;;
please try your best to follow my tips as it really can make or
break your tan.
1 ] Forward planning is the key. You need at least two days of gentle
exfoliation, do not try and scrub at your skin the day of tanning in one
go, trust me it doesn’t work, especially if you already have a build up
of tan on your skin. I recommend the Body Shop’s exfoliation gloves,
$3.90 which are fantastic for boosting circulation and getting rid of
dead skin. Always moisturize well afterwards for skin so smooth you’ll
be making everyone feel it.
2 ] Careful not to apply too much moisturizer to your body before
tanning as it may not react well. Only apply moisturizer to your dry
areas. For me this includes hands and feet, elbows, knees and the area
around my under arms. Leave this to sink in for around 10 minutes before
applying your tan, this will ensure the lotion does not stick to your
dry areas and leave them looking darker.
3 ] Application. Always always use a mitt or gloves, brown hands are a
tell tale sign your sun-kissed glow might have come for a bottle and are
to be avoided at any cost. I favor a mitt which you can pick up from
Boots for around $3 as it acts like a foundation sponge
and minimizes streaks. The amount of lotion you need will become clear
through trial and error but remember less is more, you can always go
back and top it up. Start at your feet and work your way up your body to
avoid any wrinkle lines on your stomach. Remember you are not trying to
run the lotion in but coat your body in a thin layer of it.
4 ] The lotion is best applied at night and left for a minimum, I would
recommend, of ten hours. Leaving it for less time can often mean the
color doesn't develop as dark and with such a pricey product you want to
make sure you get optimum results.
[ 5 ] Always shower
in the morning to rinse off the tan, you do not want to be sitting in a
brown bath. Don’t be alarmed at the color you see in the mirror, the
tan will have developed over night and the majority will wash off in the
shower leaving the stain on your body. Use a gentle shower gel and
sponge so as not to remove too much of the color.
Are you all tanned out not?? Ready.. set.. get tan!!
Have you tried any of these products? What are your favorite self tanners?