i have always been active in spreading child abuse awareness. I have always considered it the absolute least any of us can do. I wanted to re-post this post, as I want to keep it at the forefront of all our minds especially during this holidays season of hope and faith. I want to inform you all on my take, my experience, how you can help, excruciating statistics, and some graphic images.
Warning: 100% chance this post will have you in tears. I am sorry to put a damper on things but talking about it is one way of combating it.
Children are innocent and precious, they are also small and defenseless. Adults have the responsibility to protect them, it is just a given responsibility you cannot say no to. But what happens when the adults in a child's life do not live up to their role? If the child is being abused or neglected, the consequences of not speaking up are extremely harmful, sometimes fatal. How can one live with that possibility on their mind?
Children are our future. Every single child deserves a good start in life. Prevention is a shared responsibility. All it takes is one more person to care, and all it takes for families to remain healthy is for people to take that ONE step! Ordinary people like YOU can change the world- because EVERY CHILD MATTERS. Being a parent is the toughest job on the planet; so try to offer your support to people who are raising children... when you see a stranger having a hard time with their child, do not look away-- smile and say, "I have been there too, it only gets easier." Because IT DOES!! Our communities are the web binding the families together, and to each other. Small steps can make a HUGE difference!
Adults need to speak up when witnessing or suspecting abuse is going on in the home of a child. Because children aren't going to do it themselves. Out of fear or misplaced loyalty to their abuser, a child often won't speak up at all- even when they're going through the most horrible pain imaginable.... why? well, they often don't speak up because they are afraid of losing the love of their abuser or the possibility of bringing more pain onto themselves.
there are many children who do try to 'run away' or get out, but are unsuccessful and only get themselves into even more pain to come...this ultimately leads them to not seeing a point in trying at all.
Of the numerous child abuse cases, about 72% involve *someone* who knew what was happening. In some of these cases, you will hear adults say "I didn't realize how bad it was" or even, "I didn't want to get involved." With every nightly news report telling of another child raped, killed or seriously injured by a person that was supposed to be responsible for them- how can anyone stay silent if they expect a child is being abused?

An abused child is damaged for life, abuse causes scars that will never go away. There are also many cases where an abused child turns into an abuser themselves once they become adults- which only serves to repeat the cycle- thus causing another generation of broken hearts and scarred minds.
It is inexcusable to allow it to continue if an adult knows of any abuse or neglect. A child may never be able to get over the fact that he or she was abused, they may carry the scars through a lifetime- but they will remember that someone cared enough to speak up and try to protect them. And, if you know of abuse and don't speak up- the possible fatal consequences to that child may be more than a conscience can handle.
While the saying "It takes a village to raise a child" is often repeated, it also takes a village to protect a child. If you notice a friend or family member is under a lot of stress or making bad choices and they're increasingly short-tempered with their child or not being as attentive to their child's needs as they should, say something.
call the proper authorities anonymously if you must. When it comes to a child's safety and well-being, even their life- don't be afraid to speak up or afraid to "get involved." Sometimes a child is saved from further abuse or neglect because someone chose to get involved, and they manage to go on and live normal, happy lives.
And then there are the children who have died needlessly, simply because someone was too afraid to get involved. Even if you happen to witness abuse while out running errands and it's a child you don't know- call the police, get a tag number and physical description of an adult- call Child Protective Services in your city
Here is some food for thought:
[ 1 ] Every day, about four children die in the U.S. because of abuse or neglect, most of them babies or toddlers.[ 2 ] For every incident of child abuse or neglect that gets reported, it’s estimated that two others go unreported.-- think about it!

[ 4 ] Physical abuse accounts for between 15% and 20% of documented child abuse cases each year.
[ 5 ] 8 out of 10 sexual abusers are someone in the family or someone the child knows. You cannot trust ANYONE around your children, it's almost ALWAYS the one person you'd NEVER think would be possible.
[ 6 ] Of all prison inmates, 84% were abused as children. Same goes for drug and alcohol addicts and sex addicted female.
Do it for the children.
speak up, get up & do!
xox rica
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ReplyDeletethis is amazing rica
ReplyDeletethank you!
DeleteThis is a very nice post! Thanks for sharing. I love your writings. Following you now, hope you can follow me back.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas!
thank you so much! of course I woud love to check your page out and follow you!
DeleteGreat post! Thanks for sharing:)
thank you for commenting love!
DeleteHey I'm Marta from www.yournegtaivity.blogspot.com I follow you back!
ReplyDeletethank you marta!
DeleteThey made the law a lot more strict to those who abuse kids. I Voted. great post.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas my new friend may it bring happiness and laughter to you and yours.
wow, that is so great. I am always sure to keep updated on new laws just so I can inform all of my friends and family in my town/state. thank you for commenting!
DeleteI love your post... great words!!!! G+ for you!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTnx for your lovely comment!
Merry Christmas darling and happy holidays!!!!
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thank you paola! I love your comment.. the snowflake is too cute! I want to learn how to make that ! LOL and merry Christmas to you a well!
DeleteHey dear, this is really a great post for a great cause! Keep it up! Saw your comment on my blog. Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment in my blog, really appreciate it! I've followed you back! ;) Merry Christmas, stay awesome and keep bloggin'! <3
ReplyDeletethank you love. this is definitely a cause that is veryyyyy near and dear to me. I love to see other people put in their two sense, as it does not take much to make a difference at all. thank you so much for commenting. I would love to follow you back chica!
DeleteSuch strong words! I love reading your posts! It hurts me to know that things like this goes on, your post speaks such truth.
ReplyDeletethank you so much for your kind words on my blog! Merry christmas to you and your family, and happiest of new years to you! I hope 2014 brings you happiness and more!
I look forward to reading more of your thoughts!!! so glad i found your blog when I did! best wishes, hope everything is going well! xoxox
you are too sweet andrea! I actually went ahead and looked up your other blog you mentioned and I cannot tell you how similar of situations we were both in. I totally can relate to every thing you were going through, and am so proud of how much progress you have made thus far. I am glad you found me on here, and I look forward to future posts of yours and becoming blogging friends <3
Deletethank you again for your amazing comment!
Happy Holidays!
ReplyDeleteI'm inviting you to enter my 2nd giveaway on my blog.
Worth $200, It's easy to join!
1. follow me on GFC/Google (I'll follow back)*required*
2. Comment done if you're done following me.*required*
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Thankyou so much! Loved your blog :*
hey liezel! thank you so much for commenting and informing me on your giveaway-- who doesn't like a good giveaway!! ill for sure join in on it !
DeleteThanks so much for spreading the word!!! This is so important for people to see! XOXO
thank you for saying that marija! I totally agree 100% and that is why I often repost this blog every year to bring it to the forefront of every one's mind! thank you for commenting!
DeleteHi sweety, this was so great to read, living in Sa, the child abuse cause is so important and I think that by banding together, we can all make some sort of a difference. Thanks for the motivational post! Excellent research. Hope you're having a wonderful festive season hun!
ReplyDeleteyou are 100% correct Sam! thank you so much for saying that. you never know what difference you make just by speaking up even once. all it takes it one person to make a huge impact! thank you for commenting ! xx
DeleteGreat Blog......
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting and following my blog. I've now followed you back.
Happy New Year
absdolutely Vivian! I love you blog! thank you for returning the favor, and commenting here! xo
DeleteRica Marie! Girl it's been TOO long from 20sb.net Jazz Leonard!! I LOVE this post! I am a strong Advocate for Domestic Violence Awareness as well! so this Post was close to my heart and its great to see another blogger advocating and spreading knowledge! FOLLOW ME! Happy new yr
ReplyDeleteRiiight! it has been way to long! what have you been up to girl! I think you were like one of my first followers LOL
DeleteI am also a huge advocate for domestic violence. that is probably my second dearest and nearest cause. child abuse is first because I really feel children have absolutely NO one to protect them, with adults we at least can gain strength to help ourselves. children do not know better. does that make sense?
thank you for commenting love!
I hope you had a very merry holidays and new years!
ReplyDeleteThis post was very well written and so sad at the same time. I just can't believe things like this still happen and how we continue to let it happen. The more that we speak about it though, the better I believe. I personally love being with children and it just hurts my heart to know that little kids about being hurt like this!